
地毯清洗公司新闻 当前位置: 首页 > 公司新闻 > 石家庄大桥外语地毯清洗完毕
时间 : 2019-07-28 浏览量 : 50
   家用地毯清洗具体步骤/方法(一)日常家庭地毯水洗法步骤:1、先将地毯平铺或悬挂,用吸尘器或者扫帚去一下灰尘。2、再将稀释过的清洗剂,喷洒在地毯上。3、静置10-15分钟之后,可以用刷子刷洗一次后再用水冲洗。4、如果有吸水机自然可以用吸水机吸净地毯,也可用吹风吹。(二)家庭地毯干洗法(适用于纯毛地毯)步骤:1、还是先用吸尘器或者扫帚扫去表面灰尘2、局部污渍,要用专用的清洁剂进行单独处理。3、然后稀释高泡清洁剂。4、一边清洗一边,大齿梳子梳洗地毯。5、待地毯干了之后,用吸尘器或者干净的扫帚再简单清理一下。补充下各种地毯上污渍的处理1、用水将面粉、盐巴、滑石粉调匀后再参加白酒,混和物加热,调成糊状待冷后,切成小块撒在地毯上,用干刷子刷就可以了。这可以处理大部分的污渍。2、用浸过肥皂水的扫帚,在地毯上扫一遍,然后在撒盐撒盐扫一遍,因为盐可以吸附灰尘。3、沾染油污的地毯,可以用酒精清洗。4、果汁污渍:可以用柠檬酸、肥皂或者酒精清洗。5、冰淇淋渍:用汽油擦试。关键词:石家庄地毯清洗公司 Household carpet cleaning specific steps / methods (1) Daily household carpet washing steps: 1, the carpet will be flat or hanging, with a vacuum cleaner or broom to dust. 2. Spray the diluted detergent on the carpet. 3. After standing for 10-15 minutes, you can wash it with a brush and rinse with water. 4, if you have a suction machine, you can use the suction machine to clean the carpet. (2) Home carpet dry cleaning method (applicable to pure wool carpet) steps: 1, or first with a vacuum cleaner or broom to sweep away the surface dust 2, local stains, to use a special cleaning agent for separate treatment. 3, then dilute High Bubble Cleanser. 4, while cleaning the side, big tooth comb comb carpets. 5. When the carpet is dry, clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a clean broom. Replenish all kinds of carpet stains on the treatment 1, water flour, salt, talcum powder mixing and then participate in liquor, mixing heating, mixing paste to be cold, cut into small pieces spread on the carpet, with a dry brush brush on it. This can handle most of the stains. 2. Use a broom soaked in soapy water, sweep it over the carpet, then sprinkle salt and sweep it over, because salt can absorb dust. 3, oil stained carpet can be washed with alcohol. 4, fruit juice stains: can be washed with citric acid, soap or alcohol. 5. Ice cream stains: wipe with petrol. 石家庄大桥外语地毯清洗完毕|石家庄洗地毯,石家庄地毯清洗,石家庄清洗地毯,石家庄地毯清洗公司,石家庄清洗地毯公司|石家庄地毯清洗-石家庄清洗地毯-石家庄洗地毯公司-石家庄地毯清洗公司电话|石家庄地毯清洗公司电话0311-69006621,石家庄地毯清洗公司专业正规,承接石家庄地毯清洗,石家庄清洗地毯,石家庄洗地毯公司,石家庄羊毛化纤地毯清洗,石家庄地毯消毒除螨,石家庄地毯保养干洗业务|http://www.ditanqingxi.com
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